Walt Elias Disney was born on December 5th, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He started to love drawing and arranging his art work when he was 7 years old.Besides, he was also very interested in photography. When he was a teenager, he went to school in the afternoon and went to the Academy of Art at night. When World War I broke out, he tried to join the army, but he was still too young, so he was employed in the Red Cross. Then, he was sent abroad by riding the ambulance which was decorated with cartoon characters. When the war was over, he ventured into Hollywood with the ability to draw and with an amount of money at $ 40. He started a business with his brother by making an animated film and quickly became famous in Hollywood. In 1920, Disney moved to Kansas City and worked as an animator at a company. Furthermore, the company where he worked, Laugh O Gramhe, went bankrupt. In 1923, he left Kansas City for Los Angeles to find a job in the movie business. At first, he was unsuccessful but remained determined to stay in Los Angeles. Then, he rent a camera, built an animation stand and made a studio in his uncle's garage. He started the business with his brother Roy. His first film, Alice, did not make the company look up, so did his second film, Oswald the Rabbit, which was launched in 1927. The failure turned into success after he made the mouse by listening to his wife's advice.

"I hope I will never forget that all of this began with a mouse", said Walt Disney in the late years of his life. Once upon a time in his early career, Disney was acquainted with a mouse family in his office. The mice that often appeared on the drawing board produced an inspiration about an impressive story. In fact, the mouse in question started its life as Mortimer Mouse. Walt Disney's wife, Lilly, did not agree with that name, and she asked him to name it Micky. He listened to his wife and decided to choose Micky for the mouse 's name. Nobody knew whether he wanted to please his wife by doing so or whether in his opinion Micky was a ideal name for launching his business. In this respect, it is true that Micky itself is a name which is more friendly and more informal, and which has a relationship with ordinary people.

In 1928, Mickey Mouse was created and performed in the cartoon world where voice was applied for the first time. On December 21st, 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, animated by the first special music, was introduced in Los Angeles, and the film cost him over one million dollars, which was a great amount of money by then. Over five years later, Walt Disney produced animated classics such as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi.


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